
Spanish Vogue Children published an issue about handmade stuff and chicadecanela was one of the featured brands. What they say about us: "chicadecanela is a brand making personalized handmade accessories that are meant to survive next season and be kept and treasured forever".
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Oh Joy! blog has featured chicadecanela´s screen-printed bird pouch: see here To me, she is a reference in taste and lovely things, so i feel much honored. Thanks!
Más felicitaciones!
chica....qué nivel!!jaja!
This is great, Vogue and Glamour my 2 favorite mags, wow Congratulations :)
enhorabuena!!menudo éxito!!todos tus animalillos deben de estar contentísmos!!!
Llego un pelín tarde al comentario de este post pero qué bien!!! Felicidades!!!!
¡Gracias! :)
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