Big in Japan!
Well, i never thought this moment would come; and only I know how much i have been wishing for it to happen since i started chicadecanela almost 6 years ago. We are selling in Japan!!! O(≧∇≦)O
Maybe you think it´s not such a big deal but, as my dear Pauline says: "Japanese people, they have the best taste!." And i couldn´t agree more. Just look at the cute pictures! The way they shoot the necklaces, makes me want to re-think all my photo sessions!
The company is called Eyeco -pronounced Aiko- and they also edit a beautiful zakka -yes!- magazine which you can browse here in pdf (link to chicadecanela´s page).
We love Japan and i´m happy Japan is aware of chicadecanela, after trying so hard. I hope we are in for a long term relationship! ( ^ . ^ )
Yours truly,